System Software

System Software

  • TID-201 - Inadequate Bootloader Protection and Verification
  • TID-202 - Exploitable System Network Stack Component
  • TID-218 - Operating System Susceptible to Rootkit
  • TID-203 - Malicious OS Kernel Driver/Module Installable
  • TID-204 - Untrusted Programs Can Access Privileged OS Functions
  • TID-205 - Existing OS Tools Maliciously Used for Device Manipulation
  • TID-206 - Memory Management Protections Subverted
  • TID-207 - Container Escape
  • TID-208 - Virtual Machine Escape
  • TID-209 - Host Can Manipulate Guest Virtual Machines
  • TID-210 - Device Vulnerabilities Unpatchable
  • TID-211 - Device Allows Unauthenticated Firmware Installation
  • TID-212 - FW/SW Update Integrity Shared Secrets Extraction
  • TID-213 - Faulty FW/SW Update Integrity Verification
  • TID-214 - Secrets Extracted from Device Root of Trust
  • TID-215 - Unencrypted SW/FW Updates
  • TID-216 - Firmware Update Rollbacks Allowed
  • TID-217 - Remotely Initiated Updates Can Cause DoS
  • TID-219 - OS/Kernel Privilege Escalation
  • TID-220 - Unpatchable Hardware Root of Trust
  • TID-221 - Authentication Bypass By Message Replay
  • TID-222 - Critical System Service May Be Disabled
  • TID-223 - System Susceptible to RAM Scraping
  • TID-224 - Excessive Access via Software Diagnostic Features